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Audition Information
Auditions for Voices of the Valley take place in May, August, December for new members and current members seeking advancement.
Here's how to register for an audition:
1. Click here to register a PARENT account with Voices of the Valley. Complete the storefront checkout instructions to add your child to your parent account.
2. Click the appropriate event link to sign up for a time slot to audition.
Please note that singers that are new to Voices of the Valley will be placed in choirs based on their ability level not age. Those new members without prior choral training should audition for Prima Voce (beginning choir). New members who sing in school choirs may audition for Bella Voce, but will need to complete a recommendation letter from their music teacher/choir director in addition to audition requirements listed below.
Please email us at [email protected] with questions.
Here's how to register for an audition:
1. Click here to register a PARENT account with Voices of the Valley. Complete the storefront checkout instructions to add your child to your parent account.
2. Click the appropriate event link to sign up for a time slot to audition.
Please note that singers that are new to Voices of the Valley will be placed in choirs based on their ability level not age. Those new members without prior choral training should audition for Prima Voce (beginning choir). New members who sing in school choirs may audition for Bella Voce, but will need to complete a recommendation letter from their music teacher/choir director in addition to audition requirements listed below.
Please email us at [email protected] with questions.
Prima Voce (Beginning Choir):
Audition requirements:
Step 1: Vocal exercises
Step 2: Performance of song selection
Step 1: Singers will sing two simple vocal exercises to test vocal ability led by the director.
Step 2: Singers will prepare a song of their choosing with or without accompaniment. If accompanied, singer must provide instrumental recording or pianist. Tracks with vocal parts will not be accepted and volume must allow for the singer's voice to be heard over the track. Please state the song you will sing and the composer/artist before you begin.
- Singer must be at least 9 years of age.
- Singer must be able to match pitch.
- Singer must demonstrate ability to focus and take instruction.
Audition requirements:
Step 1: Vocal exercises
Step 2: Performance of song selection
Step 1: Singers will sing two simple vocal exercises to test vocal ability led by the director.
Step 2: Singers will prepare a song of their choosing with or without accompaniment. If accompanied, singer must provide instrumental recording or pianist. Tracks with vocal parts will not be accepted and volume must allow for the singer's voice to be heard over the track. Please state the song you will sing and the composer/artist before you begin.
Bella Voce (Intermediate Choir):
Prerequisites for new singers:
Singer must have at least one year of chorister experience.
Singer must be able to sing with proper vocal technique (breath support, posture, vowels, matching pitch)
Singer must be an accomplished sight reader.
Audition Requirements for new singers:
Step 1: Performance of scales
Step 2: Performance of song selection
Step 3: Perform sight reading.
Step 1: Singers will sing their major and minor (La-based minor) scales with correct Solfege and hand signs and without accompaniment. You may choose your starting pitch.
Step 2: Singers will prepare the soprano line of the first verse of America (My Country Tis of Thee). You may sing with the midi recording (click here for link) in your audition.
Step 3: Singers will sight read short 4-8 measure passages on correct Solfege and with correct hand signs. Dr. Folta will provide the key center and starting pitch. The singer will have 30 seconds to review the sight reading, after which time the starting pitch will be given. The singer may choose their tempo, but it must be at least quarter note = 50. Passages may include one or more of the following: whole notes, dotted half notes, quarter notes, dotted quarter notes, and eighth notes. In addition, the passage may be in a major or minor (La-based minor) key.
Please email our staff if you have any questions at [email protected].
Prerequisites for returning singers seeking advancement from Prima Voce to Bella Voce:
Audition requirements for returning singers seeking advancement from Prima Voce to Bella Voce:
Step 1: Performance of scales
Step 2: Performance of song selection
Step 3: Perform sight reading.
Step 1: Singers will sing their major and minor (La-based minor) scales with correct Solfege and hand signs.
Step 2: Singers will prepare the soprano line of the first verse of America (My Country Tis of Thee). Click here for a midi recording.
Step 3: Singers will sight read short 4-8 measure passages on correct Solfege and with correct hand signs. Dr. Folta will provide the key center and starting pitch. The singer will have 30 seconds to review the sight reading, after which time the starting pitch will be given. The singer may choose their tempo, but it must be at least quarter note = 50. Passages may include one or more of the following: whole notes, dotted half notes, quarter notes, dotted quarter notes, and eighth notes. In addition, the passage may be in a major or minor (La-based minor) key.
Sola Voce (Advanced Choir):
Prerequisites for advancement from Bella Voce to Sola Voce:
Audition requirements for advancement from Bella Voce to Sola Voce:
Step 1: Performance of scales
Step 2: Performance of song selection
Step 3: Perform sight reading.
Step 1: Singers will sing their major, minor (La-based minor), and chromatic scales with correct Solfege and hand signs.
Step 2: Singers will prepare the soprano line of The Sally Gardens. Click here for a midi recording. You may sing with the midi recording in your audition.
Step 3: Singers will sight read short 4-8 measure passages on correct Solfege and with correct hand signs. Dr. Folta will provide the key center and starting pitch. The singer will have 30 seconds to review the sight reading, after which time the starting pitch will be given. The singer may choose their tempo, but it must be at least quarter note = 45. Passages may include one or more of the following: whole notes, dotted half notes, quarter notes, dotted quarter notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes. In addition, the passage may be in a major or minor (La-based minor) key and may contain chromatic intervals.
Prerequisites for new singers:
Singer must have at least one year of chorister experience.
Singer must be able to sing with proper vocal technique (breath support, posture, vowels, matching pitch)
Singer must be an accomplished sight reader.
Audition Requirements for new singers:
Step 1: Performance of scales
Step 2: Performance of song selection
Step 3: Perform sight reading.
Step 1: Singers will sing their major and minor (La-based minor) scales with correct Solfege and hand signs and without accompaniment. You may choose your starting pitch.
Step 2: Singers will prepare the soprano line of the first verse of America (My Country Tis of Thee). You may sing with the midi recording (click here for link) in your audition.
Step 3: Singers will sight read short 4-8 measure passages on correct Solfege and with correct hand signs. Dr. Folta will provide the key center and starting pitch. The singer will have 30 seconds to review the sight reading, after which time the starting pitch will be given. The singer may choose their tempo, but it must be at least quarter note = 50. Passages may include one or more of the following: whole notes, dotted half notes, quarter notes, dotted quarter notes, and eighth notes. In addition, the passage may be in a major or minor (La-based minor) key.
Please email our staff if you have any questions at [email protected].
Prerequisites for returning singers seeking advancement from Prima Voce to Bella Voce:
- Singer must have at least one year of chorister experience.
- Singer must have maintained the expectations as outlined in the choir handbook.
- Singer must have attended all concerts throughout the semester.
- Singer must have demonstrated adequate progress* in the music education curriculum.
- Singer must be an independent sight reader.
- Singer must sing individually and independently in choir.
- Singer must demonstrate self-motivated practice at home in rehearsal.
Audition requirements for returning singers seeking advancement from Prima Voce to Bella Voce:
Step 1: Performance of scales
Step 2: Performance of song selection
Step 3: Perform sight reading.
Step 1: Singers will sing their major and minor (La-based minor) scales with correct Solfege and hand signs.
Step 2: Singers will prepare the soprano line of the first verse of America (My Country Tis of Thee). Click here for a midi recording.
Step 3: Singers will sight read short 4-8 measure passages on correct Solfege and with correct hand signs. Dr. Folta will provide the key center and starting pitch. The singer will have 30 seconds to review the sight reading, after which time the starting pitch will be given. The singer may choose their tempo, but it must be at least quarter note = 50. Passages may include one or more of the following: whole notes, dotted half notes, quarter notes, dotted quarter notes, and eighth notes. In addition, the passage may be in a major or minor (La-based minor) key.
Sola Voce (Advanced Choir):
Prerequisites for advancement from Bella Voce to Sola Voce:
- Singer must have been enrolled in Bella Voce for at least one year.
- Singer must have maintained the expectations as outlined in the choir handbook.
- Singer must have attended all concerts throughout the semester.
- Singer must be an independent sight reader.
- Singer must sing individually and independently in choir.
- Singer must demonstrate self-motivated practice at home in rehearsal.
Audition requirements for advancement from Bella Voce to Sola Voce:
Step 1: Performance of scales
Step 2: Performance of song selection
Step 3: Perform sight reading.
Step 1: Singers will sing their major, minor (La-based minor), and chromatic scales with correct Solfege and hand signs.
Step 2: Singers will prepare the soprano line of The Sally Gardens. Click here for a midi recording. You may sing with the midi recording in your audition.
Step 3: Singers will sight read short 4-8 measure passages on correct Solfege and with correct hand signs. Dr. Folta will provide the key center and starting pitch. The singer will have 30 seconds to review the sight reading, after which time the starting pitch will be given. The singer may choose their tempo, but it must be at least quarter note = 45. Passages may include one or more of the following: whole notes, dotted half notes, quarter notes, dotted quarter notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes. In addition, the passage may be in a major or minor (La-based minor) key and may contain chromatic intervals.